Dr. Kathy Phillips — director of the Body Dysmorphic Disorder Program at Rhode Island Hospital, member of the IOCDF Scientific & Clinical Advisory Board, and author of many of the articles on this website — was recently interviewed by CBS News for a story about men’s body image concerns.
“Body image concerns are common in boys and young men. It’s an under recognized problem and it can be quite serious,” she said, calling it a “silent” yet widespread problem.
About 2 percent of the population suffers from body dysmorphic disorder — when they perceive one or more flaw or defects in their appearance. About half are men, according to the American Psychiatric Association. The eating disorder anorexia strikes one male for every 10 females. But studies suggest the prevalence of eating disorders [including both anorexia and bulimia] in males is increasing.
There’s a spectrum of severity when it comes to body dysmorphic disorder, said Phillips. “They may be very preoccupied and distressed by various parts of their body — the skin, hair, nose, muscles.”
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