OCA Toronto First/Obsessive Compulsive Anonymous Toronto

Support Group
Contact: Jennifer

Meeting Information:

Meeting day and time: Fourth Saturday of each month, 10 am to 11:30 am
Open To: Those with OCD as well as their supporters
Fee: Free

OCA Toronto is rooted in the 12 Step Program and is affiliated with OCA World Services. Their website contains resources and information on daily virtual and phone meetings, which include opportunities for sponsorship in the 12 Step Program for OCD. Our confidential meetings employ various formats including personal stories and thematic presentations; but the voluntary sharing of our experiences, strength and hope is at the heart of every meeting. Members also have the opportunity to exchange phone numbers and e-mail addresses and join our confidential Facebook group. Although our in-person meetings began in Toronto, we are now pleased to be able to welcome attendees from anywhere via Zoom/phone. Those of us at OCA who are receiving professional help for OCD have found this program a welcome addition. You are no longer alone!