Houston OCD Support Community

Support Group
Contact: Neha Chaudhary

Meeting Information:

Venue: Zoom
Meeting day and time: 2nd and 4th Wednesday of each month from 7 pm to 9 pm CT
Open To: Those who suffer from Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder or related conditions, their caregivers, friends, and family members
Fee: Free

This is a free, open, casual forum that is professionally-led. Our support group allows individuals to share their experiences with OCD and related conditions, set goals to work on between meetings, or learn more about how to support those with OCD and related conditions. Members are not required to disclose information or turn on their cameras, and they may speak if they choose. Those interested do not have to be from Houston or Texas to participate. Everyone is welcome!

Wherever you are in your recovery journey, join our community and find support.

Facilitator: Dr. John Hart, PhD; Peer Coordinator: Neha Chaudhary

This group is sponsored by Dr. John Hart, PhD who donates his time to help people who suffer from OCD as well as to support people in their lives.

Our meetings are private and held via Zoom, a video-conferencing program. They require a link and password. To obtain the link and password, please email: contact@houstonocdsupport.org.