Douglas Zimmerman MA. Ed, LCSW-R

Social Worker, Social Worker
1133 Broadway
Suite 1101
New York, New York 10010
ADA Accessible
Narrative of Services:

My practice is 90% focused on individuals with OCD and OC related disorders.
I work both behaviorally and psychodynamically dependent upon the individual. ERP is usually the first implementation. If the patient lacks the motivation for ERP (usually due to fear), then CBT or ACT techniques, as well medication monitoring and supportive therapy are introduced. I firmly believe that people get better based upon the chemistry between therapist and patient– the relational component cannot be underestimated.

Treatment of Co-occurring Disorders:

Since I utilize behavioral and psychodynamic techniques, it is inevitable that I see people with co-morbid symptoms. Often people with ADHD or on the spectrum seek me out. In the case of ADHD, the structure can often be similar to OCD treatment – helping people focus and turning down the noise, which involves CBT and ACT and more. For people on the spectrum, mirroring is very important.

Training Description:

I was trained at BTTI and I have been supervised here by various senior clinicians with affiliations from Harvard , Columbia, Yale, Yeshiva, et al. I have extensive training from –
McLean, MA
New York Counseling & Guidance Center, NY
Stephen Mitchell Center, NY
The Institute for the Psychoanalytic Study of Subjectivity (IPPS)

Diversity Statement:

All are welcome.

In addition to many more courses, I studied Ethnocultural Education & Gender Diversity at Teachers College/Columbia where I received my MA. Ed. in Education and Psychology.

I further received a Masters from NYU (LCSW-R) – as a clinical social worker. And I’d offer that, “diversity is inherent in the study and title of ‘social worker'”

Treatment Groups:

I run a virtual group, dependent on interest and if people’s schedules align. It is an OCD group, both supportive and informative, helping people approach their triggers and lessening the rituals.

OCD Group
Mondays: 10:30am-11:45am (EST)
90 Dollars per session.
Self Pay or Aetna
