Kathryn Wood LPC-MHSP, CRC, MT-BC

Counselor, Counselor

Board-Certified Music Therapist, Certified Rehabilitation Counselor

Narrative of Services:

My practice, Emboldened Therapy, primarily specializes in support OCD & OC Related disorders, as well as those whose OCD & related specialized anxieties may have originated with trauma – and thereby need some trauma therapy support first, before treating the OCD. Over the last 2+ years, my client cases have been 80% (or more!) specific to OCD and OC related disorders, and I’m fortunate to have helped these teens & adults in finding relief from the overwhelm and fear surrounding OCD & anxiety!

Training Description:

I trained in Exposure and Reponse Prevention (ERP) Therapy, OCD Sub-types Treatment, Prolonged Exposure (PE) Therapy, Habit Reversal Training (HRT) Thearpy, and related relevant therapies, like Eye Movement Densitization Reprocessing (EMDR) Therapy & Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT). I have 2+ years of supporting teens & adults in successfully managing & lightening their OCD,load, as well as related OCD issues like phobias, body picking & pulling, hoarding, social anxiety, and so forth. I also have a total of 14 years clinical therapy experience, and am well-versed in supporting diverse needs!