Monnica Williams PhD, ABPP

Psychologist, Psychologist

Associate Professor, School Psychology, University of Ottawa, Canada Research Chair, Founder and Clinical Director, Behavior Wellness Clinic, CT

392 Merrow Rd
Suite E
Tolland, Connecticut 06084
ADA Accessible
Narrative of Services:

We are committed to providing effective, evidence-based, cognitive behavioral therapy for OCD and related obsessive compulsive disorders such as hoarding disorder, eating disorders, body dysmorphic disorder (BDD), excoriation, and trichotillomania. Clinical Director Monnica Williams, PhD, is nationally renowned for her OCD research, especially on under-studied and poorly understood topics such as sexual orientation OCD and presentation of OCD in African Americans. All of our therapists are trained in exposure and ritual prevention therapy (ERP) and participate in weekly supervision or trainings. Our therapists are also trained in treatment for mood and trauma disorders.

Our clinic provides specialized treatment devoted to OCD spectrum disorders. If an individual presents with an obsessive compulsive disorder, their treatment will focus on that rather than being given talk-therapy or generic coping skills training. However, anxiety, depression, and trauma issues also affect many people with OCD spectrum disorders. Often, individuals with OCD spectrum disorders will have a dual-diagnosis of another disorder. Our clinicians are prepared to recognize these issues and tailor the treatment plan to your specific symptoms.

Training Description:

Monnica Williams, PhD is an Associate Professor in the School of Psychology at the University of Ottawa, Canada Research Chair. From 2007-2011, Dr. Williams worked at the University of Pennsylvania. She completed undergraduate studies at MIT and UCLA. She received her Doctoral Degree from the University of Virginia and completed her clinical internship at McGill University Health Centre. Dr. Williams has published multiple peer-reviewed articles. She has served on the board of directors of the OC Foundation of CA and the National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI), Main Line chapter. She is a member of the IOCDF Scientific Advisory Board.

Diversity Statement:

Our clinic is dedicated to providing culturally-competent services. A key facet of our work with clients is to fully understand the cultural, social, and spiritual issues that shape the whole person. Prior to working with any cultural group, the therapists should possess a basic level of cultural knowledge and sensitivity, through formal education or prior meaningful experiences with members of the client’s cultural group. Cultural understanding is essential to prevent misattribution of symptoms to stereotypes about the client’s race or culture.

Clinical director Dr. Monnica Williams has extensive experience with cultural competency. She is the Director of the Laboratory for Culture and Mental Health Disparities at the University of Ottawa. She is a media expert, and maintains a blog on Psychology Today called Culturally Speaking. She works with organizations and business to improve the racial climate. She also lectures and conducts workshops at scientific conferences, including workshops to improve cultural competence. Dr. Williams trains all of the therapists at the New England OCD Institute so they can effectively and ethically treat culturally and ethnically diverse populations.