David J. Wartel PhD

Psychologist, Psychologist
6346 Orchard Lake Road
Suite 107
West Bloomfield, Michigan 48322
Narrative of Services:

Dr. Wartel is a licensed psychologist who specializes in cognitive behavior therapy and the treatment of OCD. He has been in practice since 1978 and has over 35 years experience in the use of Exposure and Response Prevention (ERP), Imaginal Exposure, Cognitive Therapy, Habit Reversal and other behavioral methods for treating OCD and related disorders. When indicated, teletherapy is provided. He also treats people suffering from OCD related to PANDAS. Patients with OCD spectrum disorders are over 70% of his practice.

Training Description:

I specialize in cognitive behavior therapy (CBT). CBT is a problem-solving approach that focuses on what reinforces/increases and triggers behavior and thinking, and identifying and changing those patterns. A systems approach is taken, which means that while therapy is provided in the office, when needed services are also provided in the community and home where the problem exists. When indicated, I also work with the family to help them help their loved one.