Josh Spitalnick PhD, ABPP

Psychologist, Psychologist
1360 Center Drive
Suite 200
Dunwoody, Georgia 30338
Narrative of Services:

I specialize in treating OCD and Anxiety Disorders and rely exclusively on evidenced-based interventions via CBT. I am an Exposure Therapy specialist (in vivo, imaginal, interoceptive, and virtual reality) and ERP for OCD, and have spent the last 13 years training other professionals in the use of Exposure-based interventions. Over 50% of my practice is dedicated to treating OCD and I have treated well over 100 OCD sufferers of all ages. I offer IOPs and OCD Skills Groups and I see individuals out of office and on “location” of fears regularly to provide real-world exposure sessions.

Training Description:

I am Board Certified (ABPP) in Behavioral and Cognitive Psychology, I am a graduate of the IOCDF’s Behavior Therapy Training Institute two times, and now serve on the IOCDF Training faculty. I have specialized in the delivery of CBT to treat all anxiety disorders, including OCD for almost 20 years. I present on various OCD topics local and nationally. I regularly consult with other OCD experts to remain up-to-date on the latest treatment and research findings. Finally, I oversee and mentor a team of CBT and OCD specialists in my practice, Anxiety Specialists of Atlanta.

Diversity Statement:

I have spent the entirety of my career getting educated and trained in topics of cultural competence by leaders in the field, emphasizing working with diverse populations. I was awarded the BATF Department of Treasury Award, Enhancing Cultural Diversity at the start of my career, in graduate school, I was the only male and only white student on my team (under the direction of Dr Lily McNair), my internship was at the Boston Center for Multicultural Training in Psychology, my postdoc focused on addressing the medical and psychiatric health of minority populations, a this has continued throughout my career.

Treatment Groups:

Me and my team offering a variety of low-cost OCD and anxiety-focused treatment groups for OCD sufferers and their loved ones. Simply visit to see all the groups we have to offer year round.