Elizabeth W. Pierce PhD

Psychologist, Psychologist
76 Bedford St
Suite 10
Lexington, Massachusetts 02420
Narrative of Services:

The majority of my practice is and has been treating adults and adolescents with OCD and BDD (and related disorders). I use cognitive-behavioral therapy (cognitive restructuring and behavioral plans), exposure/response prevention, and mindfulness/acceptance techniques. Therapy includes cognitive, mindfulness, and exposure exercises in the office (or community accompanied by me) and assigned homework tasks to facilitate progress. I recommend reading and other media as part of treatment. Family members are involved in sessions as needed.

I am also a Certified Trainer and Practitioner in Collaborative Problem-Solving (Think:Kids approach), and practice and teach that as well.

See my website for more information.

Training Description:

I have been conducting clinical work since 1984, and have been licensed since 1996. Treating patients with OCD, BDD, and other anxiety disorders has been a major part of my practice for the past 15 years. I graduated from both the Behavior Therapy Training Institute (2010) and BTTI-2 (Advanced Forum) (2015) programs, have undergone training to treat BDD, and since 2009 have sought regular consultation on OCD cases and techniques from a U. of Pennsylvania international expert on the IOCDF scientific advisory board. I collaborate with other providers treating my patients, and will refer as needed for medication evaluations.