Terrance Moore LICSW

Social Worker, Social Worker
2255 S 132 St
STE 200
Omaha, Nebraska 68144
ADA Accessible
Phone: 402-334-1122
Narrative of Services:

I’m a Licensed Independent Clinical Social Worker with over 40 years of psychotherapy experience. I work in a group private practice setting, which provides me with access to clinical consultation and psychiatric assessment and medication management. About 40 – 50 percent of my clients, at any given time, are dealing with obsessions and compulsions.

Treatment for depression, generalized anxiety, panic, PTSD

Treatment of Co-occurring Disorders:

I treat people experiencing depression, anxiety, phobias, and PTSD. Outpatient/private practice setting. CBT, ACT, and Clinical Hypnosis are my main intervention tools

Training Description:

I attending the BTTI, and since then have accumulated 20+ years of experience working with OCD. I completed a distance training program with the TLC Foundation for Body-Focused Repetitive Behaviors. Additional seminars & webinars on OCD, BFRBs. Additional webinars on ACT, hoarding, and working with complicated OCD presentations.