Charles Melville PhD

Psychologist, Psychologist
25 Lenox Pointe
Suite B
Atlanta, Georgia 30324
Narrative of Services:

About 70 percent of my full-time private practice clients have OCD and related disorders. The main focus of therapy is Exposure and Response Prevention, supplemented by other forms of Cognitive Behavior Therapy and Acceptance and Commitment Therapy. Initially, I usually see clients weekly or twice weekly for assessment. For some forms of OCD, we then transition to intensive daily treatment for short periods. There is a psychiatrist in the office who can provide medication as needed. For the small percentage of OCD clients who do not respond optimally to out-patient treatment, I can provide a smooth referral to residential treatment.

Training Description:

My early OCD training goes back about 30 years. I have had many OCD workshops with leaders in the field at professional organizations, especially at IOCDF annual conferences, and through other professional organizations (e.g., ADAA, ABCT). In more recent years, I have learned much from leading OCD workshops at IOCDF conferences and at ADAA, as well as from supervising and providing consultation on OCD cases with less experienced Atlanta therapists, and from being a BTTI (Behavior Therapy Training Institute) faculty member for IOCDF.