James Michael McGee LPC

Counselor, Counselor
1316 Old Highway 63
Suite 101
Columbia, Missouri 65203
Narrative of Services:

I have a three-prong approach to treating OCD. I spend the first sessions with my clients educating them to the disorder, if there is a need. Long known as the Doubter’s Disease, I assess how Doubt plays into my client’s ritualistic thinking and behaviors. Secondly, I set-up a workable Exposure Hierarchy with my clients and help them address the items on their list, both through in-session and out-of-office exercises. Thirdly, I work to maintain rapport with clients. I offer a unique perspective to therapy, being an OCF sufferer myself who has managed the disorder well.

Training Description:

I have been treating OCD in Mid Missouri since 2004. I hold a master of education degree in counseling, as well as two other master degrees. I am a member of the International OCD Foundation. I was trained in Exposure Response Prevention (ERP) in 2007 by the educational staff of the International OCD Foundation. I keep current with the literature by attending training and seminars. I am currently associated locally with a University evidenced-based psychological group, which treats anxiety disorders. My experience in treating OCD is focused primarily with clients who have checking, contamination and PURE O problems.