Jonah Lakin PsyD

Psychologist, Psychologist
15644 Madison Ave
Suite 204
Lakewood, Ohio 44107
ADA Accessible
Narrative of Services:

About 90% of my work entails the treatment of OCD in children, adolescents and adults. Another 10% of my caseload involves exposure therapy for non-OCD anxiety disorders (such as phobias or panic disorder). ERP is a passion of mine, as I enjoy seeing how the therapy opens up people’s lives in ways that were not possible prior to treatment.

Training Description:

I have specialized in exposure with response prevention (ERP) for the last 5 years. I first learned and practiced exposure therapies during my post-doctoral training, and, after I was fully licensed to practice psychology, I pursued further training and supervision in the use of ERP at the East Bay Behavior Therapy Center and the Berkeley CBT Clinic. I also supervised graduate students in the use of ERP at the Berkeley CBT Clinic. I founded a CBT clinic focused on exposure therapies in the California Bay Area and did contract work with the Gateway Institute’s Intensive Outpatient (IOP) program for OCD.