David J. Kosins PhD

Psychologist, Psychologist
318 W. Galer St.
Suite 201
Seattle, Washington 98119
Narrative of Services:

I am a clinical psychologist in independent private practice in Seattle that is restricted to treating OCD and related disorders, as well as anxiety disorders. I also offer support groups for individuals being seen in therapy for OCD and OC related disorders, and have been since 2001. My approach to these individuals consists primarily of Exposure and Ritual Prevention and cognitive therapy. I collaborate with a number of prescribing psychiatrists in the community. I also offer consultation services to other practicing therapists who work with OCD and OC related disorders.

Training Description:

I have been a Certified Cognitive Therapist/Founding Fellow in the Academy of Cognitive Therapy for roughly 10 years. I have specialized in treating anxiety disorders and OC Related Disorders since approximately 1985. My postdoctoral training in CBT was obtained from the Center for Cognitive Therapy in Newport Beach, CA in 1986-1987, and I have taken numerous workshops since that time. I joined the IOCDF and the Trichotillomania Learning Center in the early 1990’s when I began seeing more and more patients with OC related disorders. I ahve conducted a monthly support group for OCD and one for Trichotillomania and other BFRB’s since roughly 1999. Since approximately 1990, I have been on the clinical faculty of the University of Washington where I supervise psychology and psychiatry interns in conducting CBT for anxiety disorders, including OCD.