Jill Hartrich LCSW
Foundations Therapy is a practice in Brooklyn Heights, New York. The practice offers specialized therapeutic services to parents and their children to address childhood Attention-Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD), anxiety and related disorders and disruptive behavior disorders.
Jill Hartrich, LCSW, received her clinical training at Columbia University and has specialized experience in a range of behavioral therapies for children and their families. Jill specializes in the treatment of children with anxiety and disruptive behavior disorders. She also treats young children with Trichotillomania, including baby trich. She holds certification as a Parent-Child Interaction Therapy (PCIT) Therapist and Clinical Trainer by PCIT International. Jill has advanced training in Cognitive Behavioral Therapy through the Beck Institute, the international leaders in CBT training. Jill also received advanced training in Exposure and Response Prevention for Pediatric OCD through the International OCD Foundation.