Paul N. Gervais PhD

Psychologist, Psychologist
16 Julianne Lane
Augusta, Maine 04330
Narrative of Services:

Fifty-percent of my practice comprises Obsession Compulsive Spectrum Disordered patients. Treatment Modality: Exposure Response Prevention, Pattern Interrupts and Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, while ameliorating connected, cumulative and cathartic contributors that diminish endorphins. Focus remains on reprogramming and reconfiguring neuropathways. We are a culmination of all thoughts and experiences, from day one to the present. Indeed, all is cumulative, connected and cathartic. Therapy examines perceptions, while reframing, restructuring and rewriting history. Neurons and neuropathways are then reprogrammed, a process leading to healthy self-esteem and relationships, a new way of thinking. Compulsions and addictions are secondary responses to primary factors…abandonment, rejection, shame, blame, fragmented and foreclosed identity. CBT (Cognitive Behavioral Therapy) is my preferred modality. Member: Mensa. Listed: Who's Who in America, Who Who in the World. Pioneered this nation's first HMO. Numerous awards/citations for "Health Education of the Citizenry."

Training Description:

Over 21 years of specializing in Obsessive Compulsive Spectrum Disorders…OCD, Anorexia, Bulimia, Body Dysmorphic Disorder and Compulsive Overeating, as well as being a Generalist, embracing a holistic approach to treatment and recovery.