Christy Duncan MACP
Registered Provisional Psychologist
I have experience treating individuals with Harm OCD, Body dysmorphia, Contamination, sorting obsessions, and assessments utilizing the YBOC. 15% of my active client practise includes individuals with diagnosed OCD, and I am continuing to expand my practise areas.
Treatment of Co-occurring Disorders:
Trauma therapy- EMDR, Hakomi therapy,
Diabetes- type I, type II, burnout-motivation, coping, transactional analysis
IOCDF 2021 Online Conference
Ongoing training from IOCDF – 2021-present
Diversity Statement:
First Nations people- Blood Tribe, Siksika Nation
I am completing training in Hakomi Therapy where the 5 Hakomi Principles are centered around the role oppression, and inclusivity have played in changing the language of these principles. The trainers have been mindful of changing the language use from experiments in mindfulness to explorations in mindfulness due to Canada’s own history involving the horrific treatment of our own First Nations people by our governments with the implementation of the use of residential schools.