Martha Theo DeWitt PhD

Psychologist, Psychologist
9 Alexander Ave
Belmont, Massachusetts 02478
Narrative of Services:

I have treated at least 100 patients with OCD or a related disorder, and currently about half of my patients have OCD or an OC-related disorder. Many are also on the autistic spectrum.

Treatment of Co-occurring Disorders:

Co-occurring disorders: Depression, autistic spectrum issues, social isolation, social anxiety, shame & self-hatred, Treatments used are cognitive therapy, skills training and support.

Training Description:

I have been treating OCD for about 25 years. I did my internship at the Behavior Therapy Unit at McLean Hospital where I learned Cognitive Behavioral treatment of OCD and other anxiety disorders from great teachers and supervisors who were faculty at Harvard Medical School. I later worked at the Behavior Therapy Unit myself for several years, treating patients and supervising trainees. Also worked at the McLean OCDI inpatient unit for 4 months covering for a psychologist on maternity leave.

Diversity Statement:

About gender, sexual orientation, ethnicity, etc.: I am a straight female WASP — can’t help it, I was born that way. If you are different from me in one of those dimensions, I will listen very attentively to what you want me to understand about your difference, then I will tell you what I have understood so far and you can tell me what parts I still need to understand better. We’ll keep going back and forth that way until we are both sure that I get it.