Katharine M. Botelle Wolhart MSW, LICSW

Social Worker, Social Worker
410 Bakerview Rd.
Suite 110 Office 110
Bellingham, Washington 98226
ADA Accessible
Narrative of Services:

I specialize in treating youth (6-25 years old) with Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD) & other anxiety disorders (GAD, social, separation anxiety, panic, specific phobias) with CBT, Exposure/Response Prevention & Acceptance Commitment Therapy. I also provide Cognitive Behavioral Intervention Therapy (CBIT) to pediatric & adolescent clients and their families with Tic Disorders and those with Body Focused Repetitive Behaviors (hair pulling & skin picking) with Comprehensive Model for Behavioral Treatment (ComB)

My counseling approach with youth & their families is strengths based, tailored to their specific needs, help them face their challenges and create change in their lives.

Training Description:

Number of years treating OCD patients- 7 years


Supportive Parenting for Anxious Childhood Emotions (SPACE) training through the Yale Child Study Center

Pediatric Obsessive Compulsive Behavioral Therapy Training Institute Graduate, Rogers Hospital, International OCD Foundation

Tourette Syndrome Behavioral Therapy Training Institute Graduate, Tourette Association of America

Ongoing consultation with experts in the field of Child and Adolescent Mental Health (Rogers/Psychiatry & Behavioral Sciences depart. at the University of Washington)

Extensive experience serving a number of youth and their families from a diverse ethnic/cultural backgrounds (Southeast Asian, Latino, and Russian) in a variety of capacities for over 30 plus years.