Elspeth N. Bell PhD

Psychologist, Psychologist
5850 Waterloo Rd Suite 140
Columbia, Maryland 21045
Narrative of Services:

I see clients at my office in Columbia, MD. I specialize in treating Obsessive Compulsive Disorder, Hoarding Disorder, and other anxiety disorders using Cognitive Behavioral Therapy. About 75% of my current clients suffer from OCD or an OC-spectrum disorder, and I would estimate that I have treated over 200 such individuals (as of this writing in 2014).

Training Description:

My graduate training emphasized Cognitive Behavior Therapy and Obsessive Compulsive Disorder. Prior to opening my own practice, I worked for 8+ years at the Behavior Therapy Center of Greater Washington, which specializes in treating OCD and OC Spectrum Disorders. While at BTC, I was the Director of the Hoarding Program. I have served as consultant and/or member for Hoarding Task Forces in the DC area. I have conducted multiple trainings and workshops for Hoarding Disorder and OCD.